What The Dickins: A Tale Of Edinburgh City

Edinburgh’s Best Chocolate
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Is there anything more indulgent than treating yourself to a decadent bar of your favourite chocolate? Or perhaps you prefer your chocolate in the form of a scoop of rich ice cream or maybe as a warm chocolate sauce drizzled over a hot waffle… Just thinking about that first bite has got…

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New Edinburgh Eateries we can’t wait to visit in 2021

As we patiently wait at home, watching the incredible work of the NHS and all those supporting the rollout of the vaccine, we can’t help but to look forward with great excitement. Many new eateries have opened in Edinburgh and we look forward to the day we can experience the…

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Have you heard of Edinburgh’s Little Free Libraries?

Edinburgh has always had a strong link to literature and you’ll be happy to hear that independent bookshops and libraries are alive and well in the city. In an effort to inspire a new found love for reading Edinburgh’s Little Free Libraries have popped up around the city. The Little…

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Louise’s Tales: What The Dickins February ’21

“An hour is not merely an hour; it is a vase full of scents and sounds and projects and climates.” Marcel Proust Recently Bethan and I met via Teams to talk about our social media and blog plan for the year ahead and she suggested that I should write a…

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Travel in 2021? The Results Of The Dickins Survey
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As 2020 rolled into 2021 with no particular end in sight for Coronavirus, we were curious to know about travel in 2021 and what people’s appetite for travel is this year. So, we shared a survey with our followers in the first week of January to help us understand. Thank…

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