Dickins spends five minutes with Dillie Keane on 42 years at the Edinburgh Fringe

In the next of our Famous Faces series. Dickins managed to get some time with an Edinburgh Festival legend. Perrier Award nominee and one third of Fascinating Aïda – Dillie Keane!
Dillie Keane tells us about her 42 years at the Edinburgh Fringe!
1)Tell us about your Edinburgh show this year?
Dillie: It’s a much more personal show than the usual Fascinating Aïda fare – a collection of “love” songs with a twist. I’m enjoying the chance to revisit songs I haven’t sung in a long time and also debut a couple of new songs.
2)How long have you been coming to The Edinburgh Fringe?
Dillie: 42 years… dear God!
3)What does Edinburgh mean to you?
Dillie: It’s been hijacking my August for years now – on the occasional years I don’t attend, everything feels slightly wrong. I love catching up with friends from all over the world, and seeing as many shows as I can.
4)Do you have any favourite Edinburgh hangouts or regular haunts?
Dillie: The Nanyang, a brilliant Malaysian restaurant in the Quartermile run by charming people. The Outhouse, in Broughton Lane is always the first venue I check – it always has great music.
Want to see Edinburgh Festival legend Dillie Keane?
UDDERBELLY, George Square
6 – 31 AUGUST (except 17 – 19 August)
18.05 (60 mins)
Previews 6, 7 August £9
8,9,12,13,20,24 – 27 August £13.50 (£12.50 concs)
10,11,21 – 23, 28,29 August £14.50 (£13.50 concs)
Tickets: www.underbelly.co.uk
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