7 reasons you’ll visit Edinburgh Zoo and never forget the experience!

You’d think that with all the festivals, restaurants and museums Edinburgh there was almost too much to do in this fantastic city. However, if there is one thing you really need add to you’re itinerary – visit Edinburgh Zoo! We promise, if you visit Edinburgh Zoo, you’ll never forget this experience. It is simply amazing – not just for kids either – grown-ups love it too!
Why should you visit Edinburgh Zoo? Well, here’s seven reasons!
We could probably come up with a million to be honest. Come on, think about all the cute animals. We’ve boiled it down to seven reasons why you simply have to come!
7. Pandas
To be honest, there is a good chance they might be asleep when you visit Edinburgh Zoo. They sleep a lot but they are super cute, so that makes it ok in our books! You need to book special Panda Experience tickets before you go, so if you want to see them – book well in advance because it is very popular!
6. Koalas
Koalas are one of Australia’s most famous marsupials! Plus, they are extra cute. Edinburgh Zoo has a whole experience dedicated to koalas! Visit and you’ll never forget it!
5. The view
It’s time to be honest. Visit Edinburgh Zoo and you’ll be walking up a (slightly) steep hill. Don’t let this put you off because there is a land train to take you to the top and the view when you get there is spectacular. This is Edinburgh, of course, a view is compulsory.
4. Hold a snake!
Ok, this might not be for the faint-heated but for children, this is probably the coolest thing you can do! If you make sure you’re at the Bundongo Trail by 2.15pm then you can have this amazing (and slightly frightening) experience.
3. Wallabies

If you visit Edinburgh Zoo at the right time of year, you can catch a joey popping out of a mother’s pouch!
If you thought there was only one species of marsupial at Edinburgh Zoo – you were wrong! There are wallabies too! Not just wallabies but breeding wallabies! Want to see a super-cure joey? Visit Edinburgh Zoo!
2. Plenty of monkeying around!
If you want to see monkeys, visit Edinburgh Zoo! Edinburgh Zoo’s Living Links is a field station and research centre for the study of primates and a super-cool attraction!
1. The Penguin Parade!
If there is one thing you’ll never forget when you visit Edinburgh Zoo – it’s the penguin parade! Every day, the penguins are allowed out of their enclosure to take a little stroll. This is probably one of the best things you’ll ever see.
Ready to go wild and visit Edinburgh zoo?
Some exhibits need special tickets – like the pandas – so it’s best to prebook by visiting www.edinburghzoo.org.uk before you go!
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